
司法部の独立に関する基本原則 Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary

10 司法部の独立に関する基本原則(司法部独立原則)
採 択 第七回犯罪防止及び犯罪人取扱いに関する国際連合会議(ミラノ)
承 認 一九八五年一一月二九日 
国際連合総会第四〇回会期決議四〇/三二、 一九八五年一二月一三日国際連合総会第四〇回会期決議四〇/一四六 

しばしば、それらの諸原則の根底にある考えと現実の事態との間になお懸隔が存在しているので、 すべての国における裁判の組織化及び執行は、 それらの諸原則によって導かれるべきであり、 また、それらの諸原則を完全に実現するための努力をすべきであるので、
裁判官は、市民の生命、自由、権利、義務及び財産に対して最終決定を行う任務を課されて  いるので、
犯罪防止及び犯罪人取扱いに関する第六回国際連合会議が、決議一六によって、犯罪防止抑制委員会に対し、裁判官の独立並びに裁判官及び検事の選抜、専門的訓練及び地位に関する指針の作成をその優先的課題の中に含めるよう要請したので、 それ故、まず裁判制度に関する裁判官の役割並びに裁判官の選抜、訓練及び行動の重要性に考慮を払うのが適当であるので、
加盟国が司法部の独立を確保し促進する任務を援助するために作成された次の基本原則は、各国の国内立法及び実施の枠内で諸政府によって考慮されかつ尊重されるべきであり、また、裁判官、 弁護士、執行部及び立法部の構成員並びに一般公衆の注意を喚起すべきである。これらの諸原則は、 主として専門の裁判官を念頭において作成されたものであるが、適当な場合には、非専門裁判官 (存在する場合に)にもひとしく適用される。

司法部の独立は、国家によって保障され、 かつ、その国の憲法又は法律中に宣明されなければならない。司法部の独立を尊重し及び遵守することは、すべての政府機関その他の機関の義務である。
二 司法部は、直接であると間接であるとを問わず、いかなる部門からのものであるといかなる理由によるものであるとを問わず、すべての制限、不当な影響、勧誘、圧力、脅迫又は干渉もなしに、事実に基づきかつ法律に従って、司法部に提示された事項を公平に決定しなければならない。
司法過程への不適当な又は不当な干渉があってはならず、また、裁判所による司法的決定が修正を受けてはならない。この原則は、 法律に従って、司法部の下した判決の司法審査又は権限のある当局による軽減若しくは減刑を妨げるものではない。

司法部の構成員は、世界人権宣言に従って、 他の市民と同様に、表現、信念、結社及び集会の自由についての権利を有する。ただし、 裁判官は、それらの権利を行使するに当たって、職務の尊厳並びに司法部の公平及び独立 を保持する仕方で行動することを条件とする。 九 裁判官は、自己の利益を代表し、職業訓練を促進し、及び司法的独立を保護するために、 裁判官の団体又は他の組織を結成し加入する自由を有する。

一〇 司法職務のために選抜される者は、適当な訓練を受け又は法律に定める資格を有する高潔で能力のある個人でなければならない。司法選抜の方法は、不適正な動機に基づく司法任命を防止しなければならない。裁判官の選抜に当たっては、人種、皮膚の色、性、宗教、政治的意見その他の意見、国民的若しくは社会的出身、 財産、出生又は地位に基づいて人を差別してはならない。ただし、司法職務の候補者が当該国家の国民でなければならないという要件は、差別とみなされてはならない。

裁判官の任期、独立、安全、適当な報酬、 勤務条件、年金及び退職年齢は、法律によって適切に保障されなければならない。


すべての懲戒、停職又は解任の手続は、 確立した司法行為規準に従って決定されなければならない。
一〇 懲戒、停職又は解任の手続における決定は、 独立の再審査に服するものとする。この原則は、 最上級裁判所の決定及び弾効又は類似の手続における立法部の決定には適用できない。


Basic Principles on the Independence of the Judiciary

Adopted by the Seventh United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders held at Milan from 26 August to 6 September 1985 and endorsed by General Assembly resolutions 40/32 of 29 November 1985 and 40/146 of 13 December 1985

Whereas in the Charter of the United Nations the peoples of the world affirm, inter alia , their determination to establish conditions under which justice can be maintained to achieve international co-operation in promoting and encouraging respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms without any discrimination,
Whereas the Universal Declaration of Human Rights enshrines in particular the principles of equality before the law, of the presumption of innocence and of the right to a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal established by law,
Whereas the International Covenants on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and on Civil and Political Rights both guarantee the exercise of those rights, and in addition, the Covenant on Civil and Political Rights further guarantees the right to be tried without undue delay,
Whereas frequently there still exists a gap between the vision underlying those principles and the actual situation,
Whereas the organization and administration of justice in every country should be inspired by those principles, and efforts should be undertaken to translate them fully into reality,
Whereas rules concerning the exercise of judicial office should aim at enabling judges to act in accordance with those principles,
Whereas judges are charged with the ultimate decision over life, freedoms, rights, duties and property of citizens,
Whereas the Sixth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders, by its resolution 16, called upon the Committee on Crime Prevention and Control to include among its priorities the elaboration of guidelines relating to the independence of judges and the selection, professional training and status of judges and prosecutors,
Whereas it is, therefore, appropriate that consideration be first given to the role of judges in relation to the system of justice and to the importance of their selection, training and conduct,
The following basic principles, formulated to assist Member States in their task of securing and promoting the independence of the judiciary should be taken into account and respected by Governments within the framework of their national legislation and practice and be brought to the attention of judges, lawyers, members of the executive and the legislature and the public in general. The principles have been formulated principally with professional judges in mind, but they apply equally, as appropriate, to lay judges, where they exist.

Independence of the judiciary
1. The independence of the judiciary shall be guaranteed by the State and enshrined in the Constitution or the law of the country. It is the duty of all governmental and other institutions to respect and observe the independence of the judiciary.
2. The judiciary shall decide matters before them impartially, on the basis of facts and in accordance with the law, without any restrictions, improper influences, inducements, pressures, threats or interferences, direct or indirect, from any quarter or for any reason.
3. The judiciary shall have jurisdiction over all issues of a judicial nature and shall have exclusive authority to decide whether an issue submitted for its decision is within its competence as defined by law.
4. There shall not be any inappropriate or unwarranted interference with the judicial process, nor shall judicial decisions by the courts be subject to revision. This principle is without prejudice to judicial review or to mitigation or commutation by competent authorities of sentences imposed by the judiciary, in accordance with the law.
5. Everyone shall have the right to be tried by ordinary courts or tribunals using established legal procedures. Tribunals that do not use the duly established procedures of the legal process shall not be created to displace the jurisdiction belonging to the ordinary courts or judicial tribunals.
6. The principle of the independence of the judiciary entitles and requires the judiciary to ensure that judicial proceedings are conducted fairly and that the rights of the parties are respected.
7. It is the duty of each Member State to provide adequate resources to enable the judiciary to properly perform its functions.

Freedom of expression and association
8. In accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, members of the judiciary are like other citizens entitled to freedom of expression, belief, association and assembly; provided, however, that in exercising such rights, judges shall always conduct themselves in such a manner as to preserve the dignity of their office and the impartiality and independence of the judiciary.
9. Judges shall be free to form and join associations of judges or other organizations to represent their interests, to promote their professional training and to protect their judicial independence.

Qualifications, selection and training
10. Persons selected for judicial office shall be individuals of integrity and ability with appropriate training or qualifications in law. Any method of judicial selection shall safeguard against judicial appointments for improper motives. In the selection of judges, there shall be no discrimination against a person on the grounds of race, colour, sex, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or status, except that a requirement, that a candidate for judicial office must be a national of the country concerned, shall not be considered discriminatory.

Conditions of service and tenure
11. The term of office of judges, their independence, security, adequate remuneration, conditions of service, pensions and the age of retirement shall be adequately secured by law.
12. Judges, whether appointed or elected, shall have guaranteed tenure until a mandatory retirement age or the expiry of their term of office, where such exists.
13. Promotion of judges, wherever such a system exists, should be based on objective factors, in particular ability, integrity and experience.
14. The assignment of cases to judges within the court to which they belong is an internal matter of judicial administration.

Professional secrecy and immunity
15. The judiciary shall be bound by professional secrecy with regard to their deliberations and to confidential information acquired in the course of their duties other than in public proceedings, and shall not be compelled to testify on such matters.
16. Without prejudice to any disciplinary procedure or to any right of appeal or to compensation from the State, in accordance with national law, judges should enjoy personal immunity from civil suits for monetary damages for improper acts or omissions in the exercise of their judicial functions.

Discipline, suspension and removal
17. A charge or complaint made against a judge in his/her judicial and professional capacity shall be processed expeditiously and fairly under an appropriate procedure. The judge shall have the right to a fair hearing. The examination of the matter at its initial stage shall be kept confidential, unless otherwise requested by the judge.
18. Judges shall be subject to suspension or removal only for reasons of incapacity or behaviour that renders them unfit to discharge their duties.
19. All disciplinary, suspension or removal proceedings shall be determined in accordance with established standards of judicial conduct.
20. Decisions in disciplinary, suspension or removal proceedings should be subject to an independent review. This principle may not apply to the decisions of the highest court and those of the legislature in impeachment or similar proceedings.


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